Wednesday, June 15, 2005

There will never be Justice because the Ruling Class will always Promote Strife

We live on a Shit Pile that we are all trying to make our way to the top of.

Edmund Hilarys looking down from the top will use the climbing boot in the face tactic for those about to make the summit, but there's a better tactic for the lower echelons: to surround them in swamp and mire, so that they never climb a foot beyond their station.

Now why do you think they:

1. Don't lock up criminals
2. Permit anyone to come and live here.
3. Pay huge amounts of social to the undeserving
4. Hand out Women's rights that are beyond a joke.
5. Have media that pump out lying propaganda. ie that bunch of slackers, the BBC.

What you have to realise is that strife in the working classes is the goal of the ruling classes. It keeps them in their places so they deliberately encourage social instability.

Believe me it would be a piece of piss to make life so much better for everyone. But they don't because it would blow their playhouse down.



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