Friday, October 28, 2005

Ken Livingstone: a Real life Dave Spart

Ken Livingstone said that it would be offensive for the homicide bombers familes to be refused an invitation to the memorial service at St Pauls on Novenber 1st, for the familes of the 52 victims of 7/7.

Ken Livingston is an overgrown adolescent who delights in stoking controversy. It's not necessary for the perpetrators' family to attend a memorial service to the victims in order for them to grieve or apologise. Anyway, surely this is a matter for the relative of the victims and nothing to do with Red Ken.

To be quite honest I would like to see a modern remake of the film "Bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia" with the head of Alfredo being substituted by that of Ken.

The man is a total tosspot with no redeeming features. At least:

Blair: Can be charming
Prescott: Good left hook
Mowlam: Looked quite shaggable as a teenager in 1969
Glenda Jackson: still fanciable after all these years. I'm sure I could turn that perpetual frown into a grimace of joy

With a bit of luck this puerile twat will be barred from office for insulting that Jewish journalist and we will see the last of the real life incarnation of Dave Spart.


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