Saturday, October 01, 2005

Marmite on Toast

The fuckin' problem is that every muthafucka out there wants to listen to the most borin' extrapolation on everyday life.

Bein' a commercial cunt that is the stimulus I need to switch to boring cunt mode for all of you to listen to me and worship me like the God I am.

So why is Marmite on toast so much better than a mere slice of bread with butter and marmite on it. It is one of the mysteries like the death of the Pyramid builders that will perplex and bamboozle mankind for all time.

The design of the Marmite pot: so iconic, but so difficult to get the Marmite out of. Did they do it deliberately just to wind you up. I think not they wanted you to pay for as much black shit coloured yeast as possible.


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