Hitler II
Over the past couple of months a middle-aged Paraguayan émigré has been attracting attention to himself within the local Neo-Nazi community with amazing claims. He says he is the only child of the infamous German leader Adolf Hitler, a man who killed over 40 million throughout Europe in his twelve year-rule. Adolf Hitler is believed to have committed suicide in the wreckage of his Fuehrerbunker with his new-wife and long time mistress Eva Braun.
Finally I understand the Fuhrer's Promise of a Thousand Year Reich.
World War II was a massive feint to lull the Allies into a sense of false superiority and to gain the conditions favourable for German Reich to finally succeed.
In the East:
The temporary political fashion that is Communism has collapsed and the Jew has finally re established his oligarchy over the Slav. As the Fuhrer once said kick in the door and the whole house will come tumbling down.
In the West:
There will be no more speculation regarding Operation Sealion. The Alternative History Posters knew it could not work and so did the Fuhrer. That is why he decided to wait for a Channel Tunnel to be built so that his Panzers can travel to defeat the Englander in Style. The rest of the troops will enter as illegal aliens since England seems to have abandoned all border controls.
The capitalist degenerates of the United States are tied down fighting a war they can never win in the Middle East.
I can see it now: a Pincer Movement of Panzers to pluck out the heart of the Soviet empire. The Americans will crumble as we ally with our new Arabic friends (granted honary Aryan status, of course).
Then when the Swastika flies above all the nations of the world, we shall remove the DNA from Muller and isolate the originally pure Aryan genes of the Fuhrer and clone his genius so that he may view the ultimate triumph of his masterplan.
Ein Reich! Ein Deutchland! Zwei Fuhrers!
Seig Heil!
Und anuzzer thing...
Der European Union achieved in a few short years what our Panzers could never do. A European Hegonomy where an unelected elite dictated the mores of the oldest civilisation of the world.
Add to zis the victories in 2 Vorld Cups and it should have been 3 only the linesman was a Slav and we can now realise that our Fuhrer's vision has been realised.
Und vonce you haf finished pouring money, Americaners, into our Arabic Aryan friends in new Berlin (or Bhagdad as you now call it) zere vill be total domination of your economy as their exports blossom like Germany and Japan und zey purchase large chunks of your country.
Der European Union achieved in a few short years what our Panzers could never do. A European Hegonomy where an unelected elite dictated the mores of the oldest civilisation of the world.
Add to zis the victories in 2 Vorld Cups and it should have been 3 only the linesman was a Slav and we can now realise that our Fuhrer's vision has been realised.
Und vonce you haf finished pouring money, Americaners, into our Arabic Aryan friends in new Berlin (or Bhagdad as you now call it) zere vill be total domination of your economy as their exports blossom like Germany and Japan und zey purchase large chunks of your country.
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