Tuesday, November 01, 2005

What if Bush and Saddam fought a duel to see who would rule Iraq.

Bush: Choose your weapons Saddam.

Saddam: Here is your Rubik's cube for Iraq, and this is mine for America.

Bush: Goddam it, you son of a camel, that takes real intellect. What are you planning for the USA if you win.

Saddam: We will invade Mexico, the 19th Province of the USA.

Bush: And let all the Wetbacks in in one go. What about the Jews?

Saddam: As long as they help me with this Rubik's cube they can remain.

Bush: I've got a whole side white; how's it going Prince of Arabia?

Saddam: I have 1/3 complete that is 17 of your states. Why don't we stop now and you can have Basra and I will take California and the Eastern States?

Bush: Come on Condolessa, I thought you were supposed to be intelligent.

Condolezza Rice: Sir, intelligence sources suggest you nuke the cube and use nanotech mini robots to reassemble the cube in correct sequence.

Saddam: Why don't we just go with the light sabres and fight it out like Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. This f**king cube is doing my head in.

Bush: Who's Darth Vader?

Saddam: He's a jet black guy with a huge helmet.

Bush: Where's Colin Powell when you need him?


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